Music & concerts

Ensembles des Mahler Academy Orchestra


About the event

originalklang-project directed by Sir John Eliot Gardiner

As a sister concert and in preparation for the world premiere of Gustav Mahler's 5th Symphony on original instruments (see concert on September 8, 2024), the Mahler Academy Orchestra presents a brilliantly cast program that conjures up the music and spirit of the Viennese turn of the century:
The legendary Sir John Eliot Gardiner, one of the pioneers of the original sound movement, conducts the students of the Gustav Mahler Academy playing gut strings in Mahler's orchestration of Schubert's "Death and the Maiden". "To tell of death in order to postpone it", was as much a concern for Schubert as for Mahler, and here a circle opens up that will be grandiosely closed with the 5th Symphony.
The first part of the concert features chamber music from the late period of the Danube Monarchy on Viennese original instruments from 1900. It is the image of a time that marks both the downfall of an era and the beginning of modernity. The students of the Gustav Mahler Academy perform this Fin de Siècle-medley together with the professionals of the Mahler Academy Orchestra.

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Directed by: Mahler Academy Orchestra
Musician: Ensembles des Mahler Academy Orchestra
Works by: Einzelsätze aus: Pfitzner, Webern, Brahms, Schubert/Mahler



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FESTIVAL DOLOMITES 2024, 30.08. - 17.09.