Discover your love for South Tyrol with!

As a comprehensive South Tyrol guide, provides you with a varied overview of impressive sights, exciting hiking tours, traditional restaurants, picturesque shopping, unforgettable events and much more in South Tyrol!

In your Travel Guide you can easily save all your favourite places and top events, your plans and intentions in one place and make it your very own personal to-do list. So you have all restaurants you want to visit, all hotels you want to book or mountains you have to climb at a glance!

How does it work?

No matter if winter cottage, bike tour, museum or weekly market: Every article on our site is marked with a little heart in the upper right corner:

When you click on this heart, a window will open. Here you have the possibility to attach a note to the entry before you save it to your Travel Guide with "Add to Travel Guide“.

You will find the saved content, sorted by category and noted with the respective notes, in the Travel Guide, which you will always find in the upper bar next to the login field or next to your profile picture and user name. A second click on the filled out heart is enough to delete the content from your Travel Guide.

Our tip:

Log in here to save your Travel Guide. That way your ideas will never get lost and you will always have them with you on your smartphone!