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Field names on the Ritten


About the event

Gstral, Kaseracker, Merl-Tennen – The History and stories behind Field Names around Oberbozen with Expert Johannes Ortner
Gstral, Kaseracker, Merl-Tennen – The History and stories behind Field Names around Oberbozen with Expert Johannes Ortner.

Meeting point: 10 a.m. at Oberbozen train station.
Duration: 5 hours, bring a picnic in your backpack.
Hiking price: €15, free with RittenCard.
Language: German & Italian.

On this hike around Oberbozen, we will trace the origins of old Ritten field names such as Gstral, Höll, Kaseracker, and Tennen. Field names are "concise landscape formulas", reflecting the settlement and linguistic history of Ritten. However, these names also hold clues about past agricultural activities, local vegetation, and even prehistoric times. Field names often reflect how people perceived and categorized their surroundings.

Ethnologist and name researcher Johannes Ortner will provide further insights into these and other local peculiarities.

Registration with the tourist office by 5 p.m. the day before.