
Leonard Alberti "Schätze der Zukunft"/Leonard Alberti “I tesori del futuro


About the event

The Eck Museum of Art, the Südtiroler Künstlerbund and the Raiffeisenkasse Bruneck are presenting works on paper by Leonard Alberti in the 3rd edition of Wertpapier.
Leonard Alberti ‘Treasures of the future’ The name ‘security’ comes from the financial sector and refers to a document that represents an asset. Similarly, a sheet of paper gains value through artistic design and presentation. The idea behind ‘Wertpapier’, curated by Lisa Trockner, is to promote work on paper, especially drawings. This format offers talented artists the opportunity to show their works on paper and become part of the Raiffeisenkasse Bruneck art collection. In the exhibition, Leonard Alberti is showing a series of watercolour drawings in the same format, documenting the various stages of growth of the Superschmelz kohlrabi variety. Leonard Alberti Born in 1998, grew up in Bruneck. Attended the Cademia art school and the Bruneck art high school. 2024 Graduated with honours from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the drawing class.

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