Hike to the "Fiecht" alp
- Ulten / Ultimo
Hike to the "Riemerbergl" alp
- Ulten / Ultimo
The Ortles-Cevedale Glaciers
- Ulten / Ultimo
A 6 day tour of the Alps, reaching a summit of over 3.000m each day, with a base in one of the welcoming alpine huts.
Hoher Dieb
- Ulten / Ultimo
Von der Schwemmalm auf das Mutegg
- Ulten / Ultimo
Cycle tour to the Fiechtalm
- Ulten / Ultimo
Nordic Walking in Kuppelwies/Pracupola
- Ulten / Ultimo
Snowshoe Hike to the spruce forest
- Ulten / Ultimo
Hike to the "Außeren Schwemmalm"
- Ulten / Ultimo
Trekking Val di Bresimo – Lago Alplaner
- Ulten / Ultimo
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