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Castle, Baecknhaus 54, 39010 Prissian / Prissiano
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Ruins of Pfeffersburg, also called Casatsch. Contraryto the fore-mentioned castles, which all remain more or less in tact, the old castle Casatsch which once stood on the rop of a high-ranging hill above the village Nalles, now only contains some ruined walls. In 1194, Konrad II of Beseno, bishop of trento, loaned to Ulrich Ruf, the brothers Heinrich and Friedrich von Pitzol, Marquard, Hartwig and During of Tesimo with a hill called the "Casac" which was found above Nalles in the parish of Tesimo. He permitted these men to build a castle. The planning permission was linked to the condition that the castle was always open for the bishop, his successors and to the Counts of Eppan to whom the builders were subjects. During the second half of the 14th Century, the castle's ownership went to the Lords von Greifenstein and in 1390 into the hands of the Botsch dynasty. With some interruptions when amongst other people, the Lords von Zwingenstein are listed as owners, all in all, the Casatsch castle stayed in the hands of the Botsch family. Marx Sittich von Wolkenstein called the castle "Pfeffersburg". After the extinction of the Botsch family, the ruins became part of the Stachelburg, then under the ownership of the Barons von Schneeburg and finally the Giovanelli family. During the last few years, the ruins were mentioned several times in the media. The present owner, Verena Jordan organised extensive renovation work which was finished in 2002.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Casatsch-Pfeffersburg is located in Prissian / Prissiano.

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