Musical clock
Other: sightseeing,
Streda Mëisules 111,
Wolkenstein in Gröden / Selva di Val Gardena
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Musical clock
A musical clock is set into the facade of the "Sarteur" house in Selva. Every day at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. (5 p.m.), fourteen valuable bells play different tunes. Four wood-carved medieval statues appear as the music starts. The paintings on the wall depict the craftsmen who used to work in the area, which was once called "Ghetun".
The carillonis located atthe house"Sarteur", in the center of Selva.
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The carillonis located atthe house"Sarteur", in the center of Selva.
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Ausgangssprache: Deutsch
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