Seat of the district association in Egna

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Raised hide, Laubengasse, 39044 Neumarkt / Egna

Seat of the district association in Egna

Farther down the street, you come to house number 22, today, the seat of the District Association of Unterland/Bassa Atesina. Here again we find judge Peter Ganel's coat of arms and the date of construction, 1583, on the portal. The building distinguishes itself by the refined character of the interior, the window and door frames in stone, as well as by the elegance of the vaulted and beamed ceilings.

Highway A22, uscita Egna/Ora, direction Egna center

Public transportation
Getting to the starting point of the tour or point of interest by public transport is easy and convenient.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Seat of the district association in Egna is located in Neumarkt / Egna.

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