St Anthony’s Church in Collalbo/Klobenstein

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Church & Abbey, Via paese/ Dorfstraße 5, 39054 Klobenstein / Collalbo
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St Anthony’s Church in Collalbo/Klobenstein

The St Anthony's Church in Collalbo dates from the 17th Century. This church, and also the one in Maria Assunta was built for the use of the summer visitors. Indeed this church should really not have built at all for the church in Longomoso is only a few minutes on foot from Collalbo. But the citizens of Bolzano took themselves to the Ritten court house and presented their case thus: "We need the church in Collalbo not only from our christian zeal and as a means of furthering the praise of God, but also as a comfort and benefit for our souls and as a convenience so that during the summer months it is easier for us to attend Mass more often."

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Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing St Anthony’s Church in Collalbo/Klobenstein is located in Klobenstein / Collalbo.

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