St. Mary’s Parish Church

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Church & Abbey, Streda Nives 23, 39048 Wolkenstein in Gröden / Selva di Val Gardena
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St. Mary’s Parish Church

The 19th century neo-Gothic nave was demolished in 1988 and replaced by a modern octagonal structure. The beautiful chancel dating back to 1670, however, was preserved, complete with the painting of the Madonna with Child by Lukas Cranach on the high altar (now a copy). In 1503 Wilhelm von Wolkenstein had a chapel dedicated to the Virgin built here, which subsequently had to be enlarged several times to cope with the large numbers of people who came to this popular place of pilgrimage as they still do today. On the outside wall of the sacristy there is a stone painted with the coat of arms of the Counts of Wolkenstein.

Drive from the Nives Square towards the church.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing St. Mary’s Parish Church is located in Wolkenstein in Gröden / Selva di Val Gardena.

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