The Rochelehof

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Historical place, A.Pattis-Str./via A.Pattis 23, 39020 Marling / Marlengo
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The Rochelehof

The Rochelehof and his cellar - museum of wine-history
The Rochelehof is situated in the center of Marling. The proprietor, Walter Mairhofer, is a passionate collector of historic equipment and tools from days gone by. His collection specializes in grape and fruit growing. He is delighted to tell visitors about folk sayings, old rights and obligations and the storing of wine in cellars. Visits by telephone appointment: Tel. 366 11 45753

- Visit the Rochelhof and his cellar: visits by appointment: +39 366 11 45753 or

From Meran/Merano or the valley Vinschgau/Val Venosta in to the centre of Marling/Marlengo. Then in front of the hotel Oberwirt up the street Anselm Pattis until the Rochelehof.

There are some parking areas in front of the Rochelehof. Or the possibility to park in the centre of Marling/Marlengo and then on foot about 10 minutes up to the Rochelehof.

On the public car parks in the center of Marlengo (next to the fire brigade and in the Traubenwirt's park) can be parked for free for 120 minutes (with parking ticket!). For a longer parking time parking tickets can be solved (0,50 € / hr), whereby two hours are always free.

Public transportation
The bus line 212 stopps directly in the centre of Marling/Marlengo. Then about 10 minutes on foot to the Rochelehof.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing The Rochelehof is located in Marling / Marlengo.

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