The Spronser Lakes

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River & Lake, Hauptstraße 31, 39019 Dorf Tirol / Tirolo
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The Spronser Lakes

The ten Spronser lakes, the largest collection of lakes in the high alpine region, can be found to the north west of Tirolo, at the heart of the Texel group of mountains at around 2,500 metres above sea level. These enchanting mountain lakes form one of the most beautiful and significant groups of lakes in South Tyrol, with the Langsee lake, at 1 km long and almost 300 metres wide, also being one of the largest in the country.

The most beautiful group of mountain lakes in South Tyrol is so high that even in summer there is often snow on their shores. The Spronser lakes supply a large part of the city of Merano and its surroundings with water. The flora and fauna at this altitude are also noteworthy and absolutely fascinating.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing The Spronser Lakes is located in Dorf Tirol / Tirolo.

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