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Archery, 39054 Ritten / Renon
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About Archery

Shoot a bow and feel like Ötzi or Robin Hood – That’s traditional archery practiced in Renon. It’s less about hitting the target than controlling and mastering the simple equipment. No aids such as target devices are used here at all. Rather, archery is practiced in the wide open nature of our beautiful landscape. Archers aim at 3D animal models made from special synthetic material to simulate a real hunting thrill.

By Car: Bolzano - Renon - Soprabolzano - Lobishof, ca. 18 km.
By Cablecar: In Bolzano starts every 4 minutes a cable and in only 12 minutes you arrive to Soprabolzano. There starts the way marked with no. 2 and 16 to the Lobishof, about a half hour for walking.
Or there starts every halb hour the Renon Train and arrive in 18 minuts to Collalbo and with the bus 167 to Auna di Sopra, timetable