Bus stop Algund

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Bus stop, 39022 Algund / Lagundo
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About Bus stop Algund

Travellers' rights and duties

The user has the right to use the transportation services when he comes aboard a public transportation vehicle and is in possession of a valid ticket or pass.

The user is responsible for conservation of his travel document. In particular, he must avoid conditions that could make the information illegible.

Identification cards must be presented at the request of the driver or controller, together with a valid document of identity, except for persons under 14 years of age, for whom it is sufficient to produce their identification card.

Users are responsible for damages they cause to the vehicles, to third parties and property.

Seats are given as a priority to the handicapped, pregnant women, the elderly and passengers with children.

Persons who refuse to obey dispositions on order and safety of the service, who offend decency or cause disturbance to other travellers, or who sell items, sing, play musical instruments or conduct similar activities aboard the vehicle will not be carried on the public transportation service. If these dispositions are not observed and the circumstances are such as to make it unadvisable to continue the trip, the driver or controller may request intervention of the police.

If users of the public transportation service behave in such a manner as to compromise the safety and regularity of the service, the controller or driver of the vehicle have the right, in their own unquestionable judgement, to withdraw the traveller's ticket or pass, if it is in the name of the traveller, and to prohibit continuance of the trip, if the person is of legal age.

Concerning the behaviour of the users of public transportation services, title II of Presidential Decree n. 753 dated 11.07.1980 - "norms on police action, safety and the regularity of service of railways and other transportation services" - will be applied, which calls for the application of administrative sanctions in the event of failure to observe the norms.

Bus timetable: www.sii.bz.it