Drinking water fontain Luttach/Lutago tourist information

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Drinking water filling point, Ahrner Str. 22, 39030 Luttach / Lutago
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About Drinking water fontain Luttach/Lutago tourist information

Ahrntal Valley spring water to fill up

The drinking water fountain is located right next to the tourist info Luttach/Lutago. The fountain is freely accessible and free of charge.

Fill up your own drinking bottle here with excellent quality spring water and make a contribution to avoiding plastic. A valuable contribution to the protection of nature, the environment and our health.
Sustainable with the public transport
By bus 450 to Luttach/Lutago - bus stop Tourismusbüro

By car

Bruneck/Bruncio - Luttach/Lutago 20 km

Kasern/Casere - Luttach/Lutago 22 km


Luttach/Lutago, in front of the tourist information

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