Fountain in the Altenmarktgasse / via Mercato Vecchio

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Local business, Altenmarktgasse / via Mercato Vecchio, 39042 Brixen / Bressanone

About Fountain in the Altenmarktgasse / via Mercato Vecchio

The fountain in Altenmarktgasse alley is mentioned in the 1604 city law book as one of the ten public draw wells in Brixen. It was probably originally built for the market town located outside the city walls. While the market was soon moved into the city, probably for security reasons, causing the name "forum vetus" ("old market") to turn up as early as in 1223, the market town kept on developing and the fountain was most welcome, also seeing as the cattle market was held there once again from 1820 to 1867. The historic picture was taken in 1907. The fountain is still the same today.