Hypoxi Center Lana - Successful in the fight against cellulite

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Others: Beauty & Wellness, Via Länd 4, 39011 Lana
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About Hypoxi Center Lana - Successful in the fight against cellulite

Hypoxi therapy is the most effective and long-term method to lose weight without yo-yo effect on the abdomen, legs and buttocks.

Exercising and sports are a great way to reduce cellulite, lose weight and gain fitness. However, it is often the case that despite regular practice, the problem areas of the abdomen, buttocks and legs remain. The body breaks down fat first where it is readily and quickly available. The problem zones are not among these places.

The Hypoxi team from the Hypoxicenter studio in Lana offers you a targeted action for poorly perfused areas of the body and supports you in the fight against the fat deposits in the problem areas.

This involves the use of technology that compresses and vacuums the body, activating the body's ability to burn fat in targeted areas of fat and cellulite to achieve the desired body shape. These workout exercises are all designed to target specific areas that need attention.

Hypoxi therapy is the most effective and long-lasting method to lose weight in a targeted way, guaranteed without yo-yo effect on the abdomen, legs and buttocks. At the Hypoxicenter in Lana you will be sure that the fat burning is focused directly on the problem areas and also eliminates stubborn cellulite.

The training sessions last up to 30 minutes in the Hypoxi training machine. In the vacuum chamber you train in a comfortable room with air. The key to weight loss is metabolizing fat in the affected areas.

Even if you exercise three times a week for three months, you will notice significant improvements in skin tone and a noticeable reduction in cellulite.