Kastelruther Spatzenladen

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Souvenir shop, Dolomitenstr. 21, 39040 Kastelruth, Castelrotto
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About Kastelruther Spatzenladen

The Kastelruther Spatzen store is a popular store that specializes in selling Kastelruther Spatzen products. In the store customers can find all kinds of Kastelruther Spatzen products, including CDs and DVDs with their recordings, T-shirts and other gift items. The store also offers a wide range of special Kastelruther Spatzen products, ideal for collectors and lovers of the band.
The Kastelruther Spatzen store is located directly in the street Dolomiten in the center of Kastelruth
You have several parking options in Kastelruth, one of them is the parking garage at the bus station.

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