Library Partschins/Parcines

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Library, Hubenstraße 2 /Via Huben 2, 39020 Partschins / Parcines
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About Library Partschins/Parcines

Mail and surfing free in the public library of Parcines/Partschins!
-Mairhof, Parcines bus turning:
Max. 3 hrs. in the open parking, with parking disc; max. 8 hrs. in the basement car park
-Church square, Parcines/Partschins
short-parking for max. 1/2 hour with parking disk
-Peter-Mitterhofer-square, Parcines/Partschins
short-parking for max. 1/2 hour with parking disk

Public Transport
From Merano: Bus 213 to Parcines
From Venosta Valley: the Venosta Valley Train or Bus 251 to Rablà and from there Bus 265 to Parcines.