Supermarkt NaveS Konsum Steinhaus/Cadipietra

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Distribution of beverages, Klausbergstr. 91, 39030 Steinhaus / Cadipietra
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About Supermarkt NaveS Konsum Steinhaus/Cadipietra

The products are especially well known for their superb quality, the traditional recipe and meticulously chosen raw materials, which fill also gourmets with enthusiasm. Enjoy every day the domestic and international specialties: an outstanding quality at affordable prices.

Sustainable with the public transport

By bus (line 450) to Steinhaus/Cadipietra, to the bus stop Steinhaus

By car

Bruneck/Brunico - Steinhaus/Cadipietra - 27 km

Kasern/Casere - Steinhaus/Cadipietra - 14 km


Steinhaus/Cadipietra, in front of the store

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Steinhaus/Cadipietra, in front of the store.