Titti Casanova Wedding & Event Planner

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Congress Center, Streda Raiser 42, 39048 Wolkenstein in Gröden / Selva di Val Gardena
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About Titti Casanova Wedding & Event Planner

Welcome to the wonderful world of love and special ceremonies!
I am Titti Casanova, a Wedding Planner with deep roots in the beautiful Selva di Val Gardena. This enchanting place has been an endless source of inspiration for me, embracing natural beauty and a rich culture since my childhood.

My mission is to shape unique events with a special focus on environmental sustainability, social responsibility and hospitality. Every event I create is designed to be sustainable, respectful of the surrounding environment and supportive of the local economy.

Join me on the adventure of turning your dreams into reality, creating unforgettable moments that reflect the beauty of nature and authentic love. Each celebration becomes an extraordinary experience, crafted with passion and care for our precious planet.