Tourist doctor

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General practicioner, Vogelweiderstr. 10, 39040 Kastelruth, Castelrotto
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About Tourist doctor

Seasonal medical on-call service for tourists in Kastelruth-Völs

From 06.06.2024 to 08.09.2024 the medical on-call service will be established in the Sciliar area on 6 weekdays for the benefit of tourists.

The outpatient clinic is located in Kastelruth - Vogelweidergasse 10/B - Tel. 0471 705 444 with the following opening hours:

- Friday - Tuesday from 09 a.m. till 12 noon and from 4 p.m. till 7 p.m.

- Thursday closed

The tourist doctor on duty can be reached by telephone on the above-mentioned weekdays from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m., also for possible house visits.

The doctor service for guests is situated in the center of Kastelruth in the "Martinsheim" (rest home).

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