Dossobello di Dentro

Mountain Hiking 39029 Stelvio
    • (0)

Duration 6.0 h

Distance 8.3 km

Ascend 1313 hm

Descent 826 hm

Max. height 3128 m

Dossobello di Dentro - Description

The Dossobello di Dentro/Hintere Schöneck is a beautiful mountain tour of about 12.5 km length. Arriving at the summit of the Dossobello di Dentro, especially the view of the Königsspitze, Zebru and Ortler is unique. For this relatively easy mountain tour, however, surefootedness and a good head for heights are necessary.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape


self-arranged arrival
From Spondigna/Spondinig via the street to the Stelvio Pass SS 38 to Gomagoi, then left to Solda. In front of the Hotel Post is the parking area. From Spondigna to the parking area is it approx. 20 km.

Interesting things nearby

The Dossobello di Dentro tour starts in Stelvio.