From Rio di Pusteria|Mühlbach to Rodenegg Castle

Hikes 39037 Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria
    • (0)

Duration 3.0 h

Distance 9.2 km

Ascend 345 hm

Descent 345 hm

Max. height 868 m

From Rio di Pusteria|Mühlbach to Rodenegg Castle - Description

Passing the dam with its artificial lake along the road to Rodengo, this half-day tour traces the old service routes, past solitary farms and wooded stretches to Rodenegg Castle. Bus service between Rio di Pusteria – Rodengo.


  • Start

    Rio di Pusteria|Mühlbach (777 m)

    From Rio di Pusteria (777 m) cross the main road on the way to Rodengo, also signposted as route no. 7. Through a tunnel (with pavement), descend down to the dam wall (710 m) following the slope ahead as far as the first bend. Then bear right and head south on trail no. 7. Keep to the right of the bends, passing the Liner and Planatscher farms to reach the Heidenhof farm (676m, at the lowest point of the tour). Now follow trail no. 1B to the left. On arriving at trail no. 1, continue uphill through the forest to the settlement of Rodengo/Villa (884 m; Information Office). Near the parking lot, the little church and Rodenegg Castle are both worth visiting. On the way back follow trail no. 11 that branches off from no.1 to the Planatscherhof farm, from where the road leads to Rio di Pusteria.

  • end point

    Rio di Pusteria|Mühlbach (777 m)


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape


public transport
Alle Informationen zu den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erhalten Sie unter: oder im örtlichen Tourismusverein.

Interesting things nearby

The From Rio di Pusteria|Mühlbach to Rodenegg Castle tour starts in Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria.