From the Fane Alm mountain pasture to the Wilde See lake up the Wilde Kreuzspitze peak

Mountain Hiking 39037 Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria
    • (0)

Duration 7.1 h

Distance 16.7 km

Ascend 1451 hm

Descent 1451 hm

Max. height 3127 m

From the Fane Alm mountain pasture to the Wilde See lake up the Wilde Kreuzspitze peak - Description

A challenging circular hike with an excursion up to the Wilde Kreuzspitze Peak, the highest in the Pfunderer Mountains. High fitness level and considerable mountaineering experience are required.


  • Start

    parking space Fane Alm

    There are two ways to start this hike: preferably from the parking area just before the Fane Alm (1,735 m). Otherwise, lower down from the Kurzkofelhütte mountain hut (1,422 m), which adds another hour to the ascent. From the Fane parking area (1,735 m) the forest track soon leads to the Almdorf cluster of huts (an old-style mountain village with log-cabins) on the Fane Alm (1,739 m). Trail no. 17 leads through the Schramme gorge towards the valley. Just after passing the gorge to the left, follow trail no. 18 along the Seebach brook and past the Labesebenalm mountain hut (2,138 m) to the head of the valley. Head north on a wide curve to reach the Wilde See lake (2,532 m). At the lake outflow, continue along trail no. 18 on the steep incline up to the Rauhtaljoch ridge (2,807 m) to the right of the slope. From the ridge, proceed on trail no. 18 (or if necessary, following the visible snow tracks) as it winds its way across the southern slope to a sloped terrace before turning left at the ridge to the summit of the Wilde Kreuzspitze (3,132 m). At the summit, take a rest before returning back to the Rauhtaljoch ridge. From there turn left across a moraine scree (possibly still covered in snow) in a northerly direction. The descent is more difficult as it crosses steep, rugged terrain before reaching the fields of the high valley. The trail finally turns east to the Brixner Hütte mountain hut (2,282 m). The descent is on trail no. 17, through the gorge to the Fane Alm and back to the parking area.

  • end point

    at the starting point

Tips for the tour

Due to the considerable length of the hike, an early departure is recommended. In summer the parking area near the Fane Alm is only open until 9.00 am.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
parking space near Fane Alm

Interesting things nearby

The From the Fane Alm mountain pasture to the Wilde See lake up the Wilde Kreuzspitze peak tour starts in Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria.