From the Garner Weather Cross to the Königsanger Peak

Mountain Hiking 39040 Feldthurns / Velturno
    • (0)

Duration 5.8 h

Distance 11.4 km

Ascend 1011 hm

Descent 1009 hm

Max. height 2435 m

From the Garner Weather Cross to the Königsanger Peak - Description

From hamlet of Garn above Feldthurns/Velturno hike to the summit of the Königsanger in the Sarntaler Alps.


  • Start

    Garner Wetterkreuz weather cross

    Start the hike at the Garner Wetterkreuz weather cross (1,410 m). From here, follow the gravel path and proceed on trail no. 10 up to the forest line. Follow the track uphill over the wide alpine pastures to the Brugger Schupfe mountain hut.
    Stop and enjoy the panorama from the Geisler looking over the Rosengarten and Schlern mountain ranges. Mountain trail no. 10 continues up the slopes of the meadow before reaching a fork in the path. Follow the track to the Radlseehütte mountain hut from where trail no. 10/A leads straight to the summit of the Königsangerspitze (2,436 m). Enjoy the stunning view from one of the most beautiful peaks in the Eisacktal Valley looking out on the western Dolomites.
    To return, follow the same track back to the starting point.

  • end point

    at the starting point

Tips for the tour

An alternative descent leads down trail no. 7 past the Radlsee hut over Radlsee lake (2,284 m) and via the Munschegg on trail no. 10 back.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Parking space at the Garner Wetterkreuz weather

Interesting things nearby

The From the Garner Weather Cross to the Königsanger Peak tour starts in Feldthurns / Velturno.