Looking for solitude at Malga Fraul

Hikes 39040 Altrei / Anterivo
    • (0)

Duration 1.0 h

Distance 2.7 km

Ascend 150 hm

Descent 40 hm

Max. height 1344 m

Looking for solitude at Malga Fraul - Description

Immersion in the Monte Corno Natural Park between imposing larches and green pastures.
The most extreme borders of the Val di Fiemme open to places often unknown and little frequented, but extremely satisfying from a naturalistic point of view. This easy walk is full of chromatic suggestions: the intense green of the pastures, the sun's rays that creep between the larch stems, the delicate hues of orchids. Along the way, about 1 km from the place where you left the car, there is "Il Larice di Confine", one of the Monumental Trees of Val di Fiemme with a big trunk, with large branches pointing upwards that recall the candlestick shape.


  • Start

    Before the turnoff for Solaiolo

    To the left of the road signposting points the way to the ‘Malga Fraul’ along Trail 13.
    This forest track runs at first evenly among fir trees and then through a bright wood of larches before reaching a broad meadow with a fine wooden cabin.
    Continue along Trail 13 to the Malga Fraul (Alpine dairy but not a restaurant). Behind the malga, follow indications for a viewing spot (punto panoramico), taking trail No 7 for 10 minutes to a promontory overlooking the village of Anterivo.
    Return along the same path.

  • end point

    The panoramic point on the hill

required equipment

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, water, sun cream.

Tips for the tour

Enjoy the path through the bright larch forests and do not miss the panoramic point, "Schönblick" in German, on the village of Anterivo, a charming South Tyrolean village on the border of Val di Fiemme.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From San Lugano drive 3 km in direction Anterivo - Altrei.
On the road for Anterivo park beyond the right-hand bend just before the turnoff for Solaiolo.

Interesting things nearby

The Looking for solitude at Malga Fraul tour starts in Altrei / Anterivo.