MTB Tour Circular track Monte San Candido/ Innichberg

E-bike 39038 Innichen / San Candido
    • (0)

Duration 2.1 h

Distance 26.2 km

Ascend 557 hm

Descent 557 hm

Max. height 1562 m

MTB Tour Circular track Monte San Candido/ Innichberg - Description

Tour 022
Starting in San Candido/Innichen you cycle along the Pustertal Valley Cycle Trail to Dobbiaco/Toblach. After crossing the village Dobbiaco you follow the direction of "Costa dei Nosellari/Haselsberg" (on an asphalt road), passing several mountain farms. Past Feichterhof Guesthouse and the Hotel Schopfenhof (refreshment). You follow the Via Monte San Candido/Innichbergstraße way till you reach the Maso Stauder/Stauderhof (refreshment). You cycle on on the Via Monte Versciaco/Vierschachberg way to get to the Restaurant da Kathi/Jaufen (refreshment). Here you follow the way downhill to Prato alla Drava/Winnebach and you return on the Drava Cycle Path to San Candido/Innichen.
Along the round there exits the possibility to interrupt the tour and to ride back to San Candido.
This tour is also suitable for e-bikes.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
You can reach Innichen / San Candido easily by train, by bus or by car. Please contact the Tourist Info Innichen / San Candido to get information about timetables and free parking areas.

Interesting things nearby

The MTB Tour Circular track Monte San Candido/ Innichberg tour starts in Innichen / San Candido.