Rio di Pusteria "Steiner Mandl"(Jochtal)-Valles - Rio di Pusteria

Bike Routes 39037 Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria
    • (0)

Duration 4.9 h

Distance 30.5 km

Ascend 1553 hm

Descent 1553 hm

Max. height 2117 m

Rio di Pusteria "Steiner Mandl"(Jochtal)-Valles - Rio di Pusteria - Description

From the train station Mühlbach direction Aicha. From the parking lot opposite hotel "Sonneck" at Schabs the road does not lead steeply, but nevertheless well rising up to the village Spinges at the entrance of the Valser valley. But we do not drive directly into the village, but at the junction straight on up to the recreation area Bunker (parking and end of the asphalt road). The here starting forest path No. 9 to Anratterhütte in the Valser valley (towards mountain station Jochtal) it has sometimes in itself: Some steep passages require muscle power, and without good condition is sometimes synonymous pushes. Every now and then there is also recovery in the downhill. We follow the same path for a short distance, following the forest road to the Nockalm at the first intersection. At the next intersection, we keep left and continue downhill to "Valsegg" below Vals. If we stay on the forest road, we reach directly the Valser road, which we drive along a piece. Almost one kilometer after the "Badwirt", at the "Old Picture", the old Valser Straße starts to Mühlbach


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.

Interesting things nearby

The Rio di Pusteria "Steiner Mandl"(Jochtal)-Valles - Rio di Pusteria tour starts in Mühlbach / Rio di Pusteria.