"Schalderer Bach Natural Monument" Adventure Hiking Trail

Theme Hikes 39040 Vahrn / Varna
    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 4.3 km

Ascend 240 hm

Descent 240 hm

Max. height 864 m

"Schalderer Bach Natural Monument" Adventure Hiking Trail - Description

Right at the starting point, an information board shows interesting pictures of Schalderer Bach brook and the special features of the route. Amongst other curiosities, there is a book of legends on a small island in the brook. A speaking trumpet enables you to experience a variety of sounds from the gurgling brook. At the end of the tour there is a rest station where you can relax on wooden loungers and benches.


  • Start

    Varna|Vahrn, parking lot Kirchweg (671m)

    From the parking lot (671m) it is a short distance to the Kirchweg trail of Varna, where Georgssteig trail forks to the right (indications) and along the brook, passing an ancient chestnut tree, to the oldest Kneipp facility in South Tyrol. This adventure hiking trail leads orographically right along the brook, partially on a wooden bridge with handrails in the direction of the valley, with an image of a water blackbird guiding you on your way. From the last stop on this themed route (830m) the path leads, climbing further upwards on forest slopes, to Salern (770m). On trail no. 20 descend past Bartgeis-Kräuterhof farm to the starting point.

  • end point

    Varna|Vahrn, parking lot Kirchweg (671m)


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape


public transport
Alle Informationen zu den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erhalten Sie unter: www.sii.bz.it oder im örtlichen Tourismusverein.

Interesting things nearby

The "Schalderer Bach Natural Monument" Adventure Hiking Trail tour starts in Vahrn / Varna.