Ski Tour: Monte Arnese/Hornischegg

Ski Touring 39030 Sexten / Sesto
    • (0)

Duration 2.9 h

Distance 5.4 km

Ascend 641 hm

Descent 181 hm

Max. height 2549 m

Ski Tour: Monte Arnese/Hornischegg - Description

The special thing about Hornischeck/ Monte Arnese? You can stand with one foot in Italy and the other in Austria, because the Karnische Kamm/ Cresta Carnica forms the natural state border. The summit offers a unique view of the Sesto sundial and the peaks of the Three Peaks, as well as of the Austrian glacier world and the Comelico.

IMPORTANT: Before starting any ski tour/snowshoe excursion, you must check the weather conditions and danger avalanches report, asking also experts (alpine guides etc.).
WARNING: The GPX data may differ from reality. 


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Monte Arnese/Hornischegg

Interesting things nearby

The Ski Tour: Monte Arnese/Hornischegg tour starts in Sexten / Sesto.