Summer hiking tour - Ferrara Circuit

Hikes 39030 Prags / Braies
    • (0)

Duration 1.4 h

Distance 4.8 km

Ascend 136 hm

Descent 136 hm

Max. height 1329 m

Summer hiking tour - Ferrara Circuit - Description

A walk with a view over the mountain of "Monte di Braies/Pragser Berg" with its traditional farm holdings and over Ferrara di Braies/Schmieden. Walking time: 1,5 hours


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape


self-arranged arrival
Valley entrance Braies – road junction to Braies lake turn right to "Ferrara di Braies/ Schmieden".

Interesting things nearby

The Summer hiking tour - Ferrara Circuit tour starts in Prags / Braies.