The chromatic contrast of Corno Nero and Corno Bianco

Mountain Hiking 39040 Aldein / Aldino
    • (0)

Duration 6.0 h

Distance 12.6 km

Ascend 950 hm

Descent 950 hm

Max. height 2440 m

The chromatic contrast of Corno Nero and Corno Bianco - Description

Passo Oclini and its geological "secrets"...
Extremely panoramic hiking loop, which allows you to admire the Lagorai chain, the lower Val di Fiemme and to see the Val di Cembra in the distance. We are in Passo Oclini, where the road stops and you can only aim upwards towards the sky. The itinerary proposes the ascent of both peaks that frame the pass, but it is possible to go up just on one of them.
The names of the two peaks say a lot about their composition: the Corno Nero is made of porphyry and dark rocks of volcanic origin, while the Corno Bianco stands out with its white dolomite. For this reason the two peaks are so different.


  • Start

    Passo Oclini

    At Passo Oclini (1.989 m), just behind Hotel Schwarzhorn, take trail No. 502 first rising steeply and then continuing on a more even scenic route along the ridge to the summit of Corno Nero (2.491 m).
    From the summit take trail No. 502, with its spectacular route along the crest, to Monte Palone, and then descend to Baito di Cugola (1.900 m).
    A brief ascent to the right leads to Passo Cugola.
    From here take trail No. 14 in the direction of Malga Cugola Bassa (Alpine dairy). A good forest road (with markings for trail No. 14), leads to Malga Corandin – Gurndin Alm (1.952 m).
    From here there are two options: return to Passo Oclini on the easy unsurfaced road to the right (30 minutes), or turn left on this same track after 100 metres and take trail H, following directions for Corno Bianco continuing along this path to the summit of the mountain (2.317 m).
    From the top of Corno Bianco, backtrack down the route taken on the way up and then branch left, still on trail H, descending directly to Passo Oclini (1 hour 30 minutes from Malga Corandin – Gurndin Alm).

  • end point

    Passo Oclini

required equipment

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, hiking poles, water, sun cream

Tips for the tour

From the summit of Corno Bianco there are views over the extraordinary Bletterbach gorge, a veritable geological treasure showing us the story of the evolution of the earth. This gorge is the result of disintegration and erosion. From the time of the Ice Age (about 15,000 years ago) through the various geological eras, the Bletterbach/Rio delle Foglie has cut a route 8 km long and 400 metres deep.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From Cavalese take first the road to Passo Lavazè and then continue to Passo Oclini.
Parking possibility at Passo Oclini

public transport
Bus from Cavalese to Passo Oclini.

Interesting things nearby

The The chromatic contrast of Corno Nero and Corno Bianco tour starts in Aldein / Aldino.