Theme trail "Balance" - Heightened energy areas and Forest Therapy

Hikes 39039 Niederdorf / Villabassa
    • (0)

Duration 4.0 h

Distance 14.3 km

Ascend 80 hm

Descent 80 hm

Max. height 1240 m

Theme trail "Balance" - Heightened energy areas and Forest Therapy - Description

This very special trail makes it possible to establish a close bond with nature and its forces. The stations along the trail invite you to meditate on the energy of nature and its power to heal the human body.
It begins with an introduction to the geomancy of this place, illustrating the classic settlement patterns of villages and churches, most of them dating back to the Neolithic era. Particularly characteristic are the three churches, built over ancient places of worship. The three churches of Villabassa were constructed
at a later date, on the exact spot of these ancient sacred places immersed in Nature. Their original meaning remains unknown to us. Then there is the house known as the “Dreiurschenhaus”, which alludes to the idea of trinity and is related to the three churches.
Another significant element is the large number of trees in the area with three ramifications.
Walking through the forest and in the fields or along the natural biotopes, in a deep and dedicated bond with nature, our brainwaves are transformed. In a process similar to deep meditation, the two halves of our brain begin to harmonize at the same rhythm, emulating healing processes and channelling energy at every level. With the construction of the Kneipp facilities,  Villabassa has made health a central issue.
Now this meditation trail will bring psychic and therapeutic enrichment to everyone who experiences it as
an alternative to the consumerism of our times.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

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The Theme trail "Balance" - Heightened energy areas and Forest Therapy tour starts in Niederdorf / Villabassa.