To Flading in the valley of Ratschings

Hikes 39040 Ratschings / Racines
    • (0)

Duration 2.3 h

Distance 9.1 km

Ascend 198 hm

Descent 199 hm

Max. height 1484 m

To Flading in the valley of Ratschings - Description

Starting point is the Hotel Larchhof in the valley Innerratschings. From there, you hike along flowery meadows towards Flading, a small hamlet at the end of the valley Ratschings. On the right side you can hear the sound of the creek Ratschinger Bach, then you cross a small forest and the destination of the walk is quickly reached.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Coming from Sterzing/Vipiteno follow the signs to Ratschings/Val Racines until the Hotel Larchhof in Innerratschings/Racines di Dentro.

Interesting things nearby

The To Flading in the valley of Ratschings tour starts in Ratschings / Racines.