Trekking of the ancient lakes

Mountain Hiking 39040 Salurn / Salorno
    • (0)

Duration 7.7 h

Distance 18.1 km

Ascend 1151 hm

Descent 398 hm

Max. height 1417 m

Trekking of the ancient lakes - Description

Trekking of 3 days between the quiet woods and the precious reserves of Alta Val di Cembra and the Park of Monte Corno. Going into an environment still intact to be discovered.
The path we proposed to you it will take you in the presence of something particular, unusual. You will not meet rock towers or unclimbed peaks, but something smaller and perphaps less flashy, but equally valuable. In three days, it takes so long for the path to be completed, you will be always sorrounded by the forest that separate Valle dell'Adige from Val di Cembra, a riding area between two worlds already in Romans times, and you will meet witnesses of the past and of the present of this mountain. First of all: the peat bogs, ancient lakes of glacial origin where the peat have reduced progressively the water surface, creating an incredibly favorable environment for biodiversity. More, roccoli, mils and boundary stones that tell forgotten stories. 
At the end of the day, you will find the heat of the shelter or of the hut: a plate of hot soupe and a glass of wine, they will help to remember what happened today and to dream of tomorrow's stage.
This itinerary it's designed and built from Sviluppo Turistico Grumes feat Rete di Riserve Valle di Cembra - Avisio, the Natural Park of Monte Corno, the subject of touristic promotion and numerous provate operators.


  • Start

    Pochi of Salorno

    STAGE 1 (from Pochi of Salorno at Potzmauer shelter)

    Lenght 18.4Km
    Duration 6.00h (with no stops)
    Ascent height difference 1200m
    Descent height difference 450m

    From the car park of Pochi (m 563), near the church, follow Sentiero del Durer and the indications for Sauch shelter. Go down for about 30 min, through the woods and countryside on secondary paved road. Climb along the path n.1 until Sauch shelter (m. 946). From here, on dirt road, following the Lago Santo indications (n. 409), it flanks Roccolo arriving soon after at Croccola pass. In the left (signpost 409) climb through an -abetaia- before Pozze and then, taking the right (n. 409A), at the Lagabrum reserve. With the biotope at right, you arrive the forest road soo after the crossroad wit n. 414 path, that conduce at lake Santo (m. 1206). Behind the Shelter take the road (E5/415/S.I.) that climb at the lawn of Vegiose and after about 3Km at Zise pass. Here you go down on -strada selciata incavata nei -fianchi- of the mountain, in Ponciach direction (415A) until the crossroad with botanic path. Continuing in the left in Lago di Valda direction (Prati di Monte) where you arrive in an hour. To arrive at Rifugio Potzmauer (m.1282) go down along the forest road following E5/n.415/Rif. Potzmauer indications.
    STAGE 2 (from Rifugio Potzmauer at Malga Corno)

    Lenght 12.8Km
    Duration 4.15h (with no stops)
    Ascent height difference 1200
    Descent height difference 450m

     From the shelter you return up at Potzmauer pass and following the infications for Lac del Vedes (m 1496). The path go along the reserve for then reached, on dirt road, the huts and crossroads of Valdonega. Following the concrete street in climb to Doss da l'ors. At the crossroads, turning left, in 2 minutes you reach a panoramic point with an hut. Going along on the same road, in a fir forest, you reached another crossroads where you continue right. After a short distance, at the crossroad the path in the right it reconduce on the principal road, reach in a few minutes a basin (monte dell'Orso). Follow Cauria indications until, on sign in wood, you will find indications for Lake Bianco reachable in an hour. It's possible from Valdonega also deviate towards Paluda La Lot following "Sentiero dei confini" Cauria direction. Continuing then to Cauria, you reconnet at our path. At Lago Bianco you take the forest road in the left and go along the swamp. Continuing then in slight climb, following the trail sign that indicate Lago Nero. In short you made a semicircle that conduce at Lago Nero and from here continue to Malga del Corno that you reach in 30 minutes in descent.
    STAGE 3 (from Malga Corno at Pochi of Salorno)

    Lenght 12.9Km
    Duration 3.45h (with no stops)
    Ascent height difference 300m
    Descent height difference 1450m

    Behind the shelter take the path n.9 for Hackelboden - Casignano that passes under the top of Monte Corno (m.1781). Passes through Selva of Casignano go down for first on a road and then on path (n.9) well marked that goes down in zig zag crossing more times the white road. You reached a flat road that, turn left, it conduce after 100m at Hackelboden hut. Behind the hut the path (n.9) go down until the forest road, where you turn left. You will reach a crossroad and, following the road in the left who rising decisively, you go to Cauria pass. From the pass you go down in 20 minutes to Cauria on road (n.4). Just before the town, on the right, you go down for path (2-7-8) until Provincial road and just beyond the clearing, on the right, you take the forest road with Laghetti indications (path n.7). 
    Go down and get in a deep valley. You remain faithful to the cartels for Laghetti until the street, on a piece paved after loc. Le Seghe, connects at the hairpin at the height of a stone bridge (roman bridge). At the leftm on Sentiero del Durer (Durerweg), that go up from Kloesterle of Laghetti, you get to Pochi di Solorno.

  • end point

    Pochi of Salorno

Tips for the tour

More informations and details of the individual stages are also available by downloading 


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Da Trento prendi A22/E45 esci all'uscita di San Michele/Mezzocorona, imbocca la SS12 fino a Salorno in direzione Bolzano. Attraversa il paese di Salorno lungo Via Roma e prosegui lungo la SP129 fino a raggiungere l'abitato dei Pochi.

public transport
Tutte le informazioni sul sito di  SAD (trasporti Provincia di Bolzano):  e Trentino Trasporti (trasporti Provincia di Trento):

Interesting things nearby

The Trekking of the ancient lakes tour starts in Salurn / Salorno.