Walk to lakelet Vedes

Mountain Hiking 39040 Salurn / Salorno
    • (0)

Duration 5.5 h

Distance 16.7 km

Ascend 942 hm

Descent 942 hm

Max. height 1526 m

Walk to lakelet Vedes - Description

This route, which runs entirely through woods of conifers interspersed by clearings occupied by various mountain huts, is especially interesting from a naturalistic perspective.
It takes you inside the Monte Corno/Hornspitz nature park (in South Tyrol) and past the peatbog called 'Laghetto del Vedes', which has its own microclimate and is rich in biodiversity.


  • Start

    Grauno (937 m)

    The starting place is the roundabout at the access to Grauno. Follow Via Siori until you reach a fountain, then bear left up a paved road which runs into a dirt road signposted 'Sentiero dei vecchi mestieri – Mulino Cristofori' (Old Trades Path – Cristofori watermill). Follow it until its end at Mulino Cristofori. There, take the path marked 'Sentiero dei vecchi mestieri' near the stream. Where the path joins the paved road coming from Grumes lower down, head north along the latter towards Monte dell'Orso. This is the most strenuous stretch of the hike: you go constantly uphill on ancient paved roads. Always bear left ignoring all crossroads until you reach a hairpin bend from which a tractor road headed north branches off. Take that road. Bear right at the first crossroads, then left at the second ('Monte dell'Orso) and carry on until you reach Baita Motta. The road now enters the Monte Corno/Hornspitz nature park (you are now in South Tyrol). You immediately come across a sign for the E5 trail: follow it and carry on across a wood dotted with mountain huts. At the Valdonega crossroads (crucifix) bear right on the E5 trail towards the Potzmauer/Possmar pass (also called Passo della Cima) and carry on along the various branches of the E5 trail until you reach the pass. There, take the forest road to 'Lago del Vedes'. The road soon becomes a track which then runs into a dirt road as you reach the biotope. It's worth spending a few minutes having a look at this vulnerable peatbog which has been the subject of researches and studies on account of the rarity of its flora, its micro-climate and rich biodiversity. Carry on downhill along the dirt road until you reach a crossroads where there are a wayside shrine and a pond. From there, go straight ahead along the paved forest road to another biotope called 'Palude de la Lot'. At a crossroads between forest roads, bear right. After a dozen of metres or so, there is a larch on your right which is noticeable for the large amount of woodpecker's holes: this is a sign you are on the right road. There are a few mountain huts scattered around the wetland basin. This is a nice spot for a rest among cherry trees and birches. From there, carry on until you reach the road which you followed on your way up. Take it and proceed downhill until you reach the starting point.

  • end point


required equipment

Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels. What you should have in your rucksack: water canteen (1L) snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate) First aid kit windproof jacket fleece change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag) make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers hat sun screen sunglasses gloves whistle to attract attention in an emergency emergency telephone number Mountain Rescue 112 Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views.

Tips for the tour

Did you know that there are also carnivorous plants at the Vedes lake? Drosera rotundifolia blooms from April to September with small white flowers. It is 10–20 cm tall and feeds on small insects that get trapped in its tentacles.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
By car: From south or north, on the A22 Brennero motorway, leave the motorway at the Trento Nord exit (22.5 km from the toll gate), continue northwards on the Main Brennero Road SS12 until the turn-off for Lavis, then take the Lavis - Castello di Fiemme Main Road SS612 which will take you to the Cembra Valley.
Car park at the roundabout at the access to Grauno

Interesting things nearby

The Walk to lakelet Vedes tour starts in Salurn / Salorno.