Walking tour with snowshoes - Braies Vecchia/ Altprags - Malga Putz/ Putzalm

Snowshoeing 39030 Prags / Braies
    • (0)

Duration 1.2 h

Distance 2.4 km

Ascend 363 hm

Descent 56 hm

Max. height 1799 m

Walking tour with snowshoes - Braies Vecchia/ Altprags - Malga Putz/ Putzalm - Description

Excursion of average difficulty in the middle of a snowy forest, marvellous proposal for those who are fond of nature. Starting point: Braies Vecchia (1.440 m) Arrival: Wöggenalm (1.737 m)


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape


self-arranged arrival
Valley entrance Braies - road junction to Prato Piazza - continue until Braies Vecchia.

Interesting things nearby

The Walking tour with snowshoes - Braies Vecchia/ Altprags - Malga Putz/ Putzalm tour starts in Prags / Braies.