Zannes|Zans Nature Experience Trail in the Villnösstal Valley

Hikes 39040 Villnöss / Funes
    • (0)

Duration 1.3 h

Distance 2.4 km

Ascend 80 hm

Descent 80 hm

Max. height 1743 m

Zannes|Zans Nature Experience Trail in the Villnösstal Valley - Description

This family-friendly theme trail consists of 14 stations – some of which are equipped with Braille information plaques – and provides an insight into the history and natural peculiarities of this charming speck of the Dolomites. The footpath is also accessible by wheelchair and the way is dotted with rest stops for a relaxing break.


  • Start

    Parking lot Zannes (1,670 m)

    Starting from the parking lot in Zannes (1,670 m, bus connection, Nature Park information desk, rest stops), the path leads towards the Sass Rigais inn past the Zanser Schwaige alpine hut and the Piuswiese pastures. Follow the signpost to the Nature Experience Trail through the wood, cross the large bridge and continue past the game reserve, a lime kiln, and the Kelderer Wiese hut. Continue until you reach a wide hairpin bend and head for the AVS hut. From there, the path leads back to the parking lot.

  • end point

    Parking lot Zannes (1,670 m)


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape


public transport
Alle Informationen zu den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erhalten Sie unter: oder im örtlichen Tourismusverein.

Interesting things nearby

The Zannes|Zans Nature Experience Trail in the Villnösstal Valley tour starts in Villnöss / Funes.