App. Paracia
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CIN: IT021006B59QZ57VWT
App. Paracia
Are you ready to immerse yourself in unspoilt nature and experience an authentic holiday on a farm?
Our wooden house, built and designed with passion by owner Giacomo, is a refuge of simplicity and authenticity. Every detail reflects his love of natural materials and his bond with tradition. The rooms are warm and cosy and simple designed to give you a feeling of serendipity and harmony with the surrounding nature.
Our motto is self-sufficiency. Giacomo has built a photovoltaic system to guarantee clean energy and a wood heating system, in perfect harmony with nature. We also consume meat from our cows, guaranteeing genuine, zero-kilometre products, the fruit of our land and our work.
How to arrive
The Property App. Paracia is located in Abtei (Badia).Top sightseeing spots in the area of App. Paracia
Der 2810 m hohe Pustertaler Aussichtsberg steht am Südufer des Pragser Wildsees in den Pragser Dolomiten an der Grenze ...
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