Music & concerts
A Spiritual Concert “MORS ET RESURRECTIO”
About the event
The concert offers a spiritual journey in preparation for the Lord's Easter, through the most well-known Gregorian pieces from the Liturgy of Lent, Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, in the interpretation of the Schola Gregoriana Bauzanensis. The Schola Gregoriana Bauzanensis is formed by a group of singers from different parishes, under the direction and guidance of Gregorianist Prof. Maria Carmen Petcu, in collaboration with the Maria in der Au parish in Bolzano. The aim is to promote the spread of Gregorian chant in the South Tyrolean territory, as the liturgical song par excellence of the Roman-rite church, mainly through Eucharistic celebrations and spiritual concerts in Gregorian chant in different churches and parishes in the territory. The schola offers an interpretation of Gregorian chant that makes use of the latest research on the musical scriptures of ancient Gregorian manuscripts from the 9th-10th centuries, seeking its original rhythmic interpretation.
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