
Textilfestival 2025/Festival del Tessile 2025


About the event

The festival is the industry meeting place for creatives and textile lovers from 21 to 23 March 2025 in Bolzano.
New, innovative and inspiring. In the medieval castle, surrounded by a special flair, visitors can experience with all their senses the unique product variety of textile manufactories of fashion and textile designers as well as textile artists. A unique showcase for the creations of the best craftspeople and manufacturers A special event dedicated to European craftsmanship. It is a cultural event of international importance that promotes the best of contemporary and traditional crafts and art professions and their links with the world of design. A meeting full of experiences and discoveries with the protagonists of selected national and international manufacturers. A unique opportunity to come into direct contact with the masters and exhibitors and to take part in a conference programme or workshop on the theme of crafts, design and sustainability. The festival celebrates a creative atmosphere, craftsmanship and exceptional products.