Bakery Coffee Shop Näckler

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Café, Via Carezza 17/19, 39056 Welschnofen / Nova Levante
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About Bakery Coffee Shop Näckler

In our wonderful vacation village Welschnofen we bake fresh bread seasonally also on Sundays and holidays. At the same time, our store with coffee and pastry store at Karerseestraße No. 17 is also open and very popular with locals and vacation guests as well as day trippers.

The bakery Näckler stands in the 3rd generation as a traditional master business since 1920 for a variety of daily oven-fresh baked goods and the highest standards of quality and service. We combine old craftsmanship with modern technology and offer you traditional bread and pastries and always new experiences for the palate and eyes. Bread is not only a staple food, but also a reflection of regional characteristics. Bread thus always provides insights into the cultural development of a country and thus also into its eating habits. Our bread assortment offers something for everyone, every taste gets the right recipe, every occasion the right pastry. Take a look around at your leisure, we wish you a good time. Näckler family

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