"Alte Landstraße 13"

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Historical place, 39040 Auer / Ora
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"Alte Landstraße 13"

Structure built on L-shaped plan consisting of two wings. The residential building to the north, facing the
road, dates from the Middle Ages as indicated by regular stone layers and corner blocks. It is topped by
a late-medieval extension that is linked to the core building under a single gable roof. The upper floor
features Renaissance fixtures: a panelled room with coffered ceiling, dentil friezes and a wall closet
dating from 1628. Immediately to the northeast is a round-arched entrance to the courtyard.
The south-facing wing has a passage with vaulting cells at ground level; an outside staircase in the
courtyard runs round a corner to the first floor. Topped with hip roof.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing "Alte Landstraße 13" is located in Auer / Ora.

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