Heritage Museum
Laudes, 139,
Mals / Malles Venosta
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Heritage Museum
The heritage museum in Laatsch/ Laudes located in a once-abandoned parish barn, opened its doors in 2004. Over four decades, a passionate collector from Laudes collected farming and household utensils and implements. All kinds of odd and also very special items could thus be preserved from decay, and today provide visitors with an insight into their use, and the customs and traditions of the Upper Vinschgau Valley.
The best place to park is directly opposite the local history museum
Public transportation
Coming from Mals with the Citybus (279) to Laatsch or coming from Switzerland with the Postauto (811) to Laatsch.
The best place to park is directly opposite the local history museum
Public transportation
Coming from Mals with the Citybus (279) to Laatsch or coming from Switzerland with the Postauto (811) to Laatsch.
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