Info board La smueia da Insom - Troi de Frëines
Streda Chemun 9,
St. Christina in Gröden / Santa Cristina Val Gardena
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Info board La smueia da Insom - Troi de Frëines
In 1917, the mudslide at Insom below the Pic mountain broke loose for the first time. Two buildings and a barn were buried under the mass of loose rock, mud and snow. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. 24 years later, in the spring of 1951, the Insom mudslide threatened the village of St. Christina for the second time. The mudslide followed in the footsteps of the 1917 mudslide and at the Insom farmstead, where it dug deep into the ground, beams, floorboards and foundation walls (remains of the buildings buried in 1917) were visible again for some time. It was only thanks to the energetic efforts of the fire brigade that a major catastrophe was prevented.
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