Little church St. Walburg - Kematen in Taufers

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Church & Abbey, Josef-Jungmannstr. / Via Josef-Jungmann 8, 39032 Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures
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Little church St. Walburg - Kematen in Taufers

The Gothic church of St. Walburg is located at the top of a former castle hill a little above Kematen - it was consecrated in 1433.

St. Walburg was once a much-visited place of pilgrimage. The pilgrims came and fetched the Walburgis oil, which could cure diseases. Like many other churches and chapels, the chapel was closed during the time of the reform-minded Emperor Josef II.

LEGEND PATH to the St. Walburg church

Route: The path leads from Bad Winkel to Kematen up to the small St. Walburg church. The trail is mostly a forest path. The path can be walked from spring to late autumn. The start is in Bad Winkel: From the parking lot at the chapel next to Gasthof Bad Winkel (getting there either by passing through Kematen or as the case may be, passing by the Sand in Tauferer's Sports area) we briefly stay on the road to Kematen and soon branch left onto the narrow footpath into the forest (do not take the road to Wiesemann farm!). The path then has some slight ascents and descents. Note: at the road fork you go right heading downhill not left heading uphill! The path ends at a clearing near a bench and at a carved wooden Hubertus Stöckl. Now, you go left onto the wider path heading upwards until you reach the road. Continue up this path for about 300 m. and then after a bridge you reach a wooden gate, where you take the left branching trail nr. 8 leading you to the St. Walburg church (1030 m), where a magnificent view of Taufers and the Zillertal mountains rewards you. You can return on the same path as you came on or you can take the City Bus to Sand in Taufers from Kematen.
By bus:
Bus stop: Kematen, Troger/Caminata, Troger

- Line 450 from Bruneck main station to Sand in Taufers (Busbhf.)/Campo Tures (Autostaz.) - continue with line 455 - Bus stop "Kematen, Troger/Caminata, Troger" - continue on foot approx. 27 min. (1,5 km) direction St. Walburg/San Valburga

- Line 450 from Kasern/Casere to Sand in Taufers (Busbhf.)/Campo Tures (Autostaz.) - continue with line 455 - Bus stop "Kematen, Troger/Caminata, Troger" - continue on foot approx. 27 min. (1,5 km) direction St. Walburg/San Valburga

Online timetable search on Südtirol Mobil.

By car:
Destination: Kematen in Taufers/Caminata di Tures

Parking: Various parking spaces in the village

Geographical position:

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Little church St. Walburg - Kematen in Taufers is located in Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures.

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