Military cemetery

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Church & Abbey, Piazza Principale 5, 39040 Auer / Ora
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Military cemetery

The military cemetery in Auer/Ora was originally set up because of the construction of the old Val di Fiemme railroad. Russian and Serbian prisoners of war constructed the railroad. Furthermore, a military hospital was placed in Auer during WWI. For the ones who died during the construction of the railroad, a burial ground was set up. Later, during WWII, the burial ground changed into a cemetery for deceased austro-hungarian soldiers. The deceased due to the construction of the railroad, were exhumed and brought to their nation's cemeteries. Until 2003, the association for victims of war and combatants of South Tyrol took care of the military cemetery. From 2003 on the "Schützenkompanie" Auer took over the administration of the cemetery.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Military cemetery is located in Auer / Ora.

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