Oies, the Birthplace of Saint Joseph Freinademetz

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Raised hide, Str. Oies 6, 39036 Abtei (Badia)
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Oies, the Birthplace of Saint Joseph Freinademetz

Saint Joseph Freinademetz, the saint of Alta Badia, is the first South Tyrolean Saint.

Today, the hamlet of Oies is a much-visited place of pilgrimage, especially the birthplace of the missionary Josef Freinademetz, who belonged to the Society of the Divine Word. The Steyl missionary was born in 1852 and died of typhoid fever in China on 28 January 1908.

He was beatified by Pope Paul VI in Rome on 19 October 1975 and canonised on 5 October 2003.

The cellar of the Oies farm was converted into a chapel and decorated with works by the artists Kollreider from Lienz and Lois Irsara from Badia.

Follow the SS244 Val Badia road towards Badia.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Oies, the Birthplace of Saint Joseph Freinademetz is located in Abtei (Badia).

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