"Pfeiler und Koundl" in Lasa/Laas
Natural monument,
Via Bersaglio,
Laas / Lasa
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"Pfeiler und Koundl" in Lasa/Laas
To be able to irrigate the dry valley of the Sun-mountain then, one led the water in larch-wood-gutters on high wall-pier over house roofs and over the river Etsch away on the opposite valley-side.
From Renschen or Meran to Laas - Etsch-Bridge - Badplatz
The car can be parked at the parking place Badplatz.
Public transportation
By the Venosta train to Laas.
For more information on the timetables, see www.sii.bz.it
From Renschen or Meran to Laas - Etsch-Bridge - Badplatz
The car can be parked at the parking place Badplatz.
Public transportation
By the Venosta train to Laas.
For more information on the timetables, see www.sii.bz.it
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